The Almuñécar fire service were out yesterday morning trying to get a lorry back onto the road after suffering a front-tyre blowout.
The small-sized lorry had ended up balancing at an angle. Apart from a rapid digestive movement, the driver was unharmed.
The accident took place between 07,30h and 08,30h on the autovía access road that links the A-7 to the Taramay N-340 roundabout. The Policía Local and the fire service were despatched to the scene; the former to redirect the traffic and the latter to right the lorry and get it out of the rain channel.
It took about an hour to achieve this, using one winch to stop the vehicle from toppling and another to winch it out.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de H.)