A Jerry Lee Lewis Night

Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of FireWe’ve had three fireballs streaking over our heads in just one night, and none of them was Dave Darby on his new scooter.

One was visible in the north of the province, another had the owl population of Jaen reaching for sunglasses and the last one was much further to the north, beyond the reach of our readers’ interest.

The three fireballs were caused by rocks entering our atmosphere from three different comets.

In order of appearance was the 23.51h one that hit the atmosphere doing around 151,000 kph just to the south of Valladolid, hitting the atmosphere 106 km up and burning out at 76 km.

The next one at 02.33h was travelling even faster and shot across the north of our province doing 200,000 kph (that’s at least 12 points off its driving licence!) entering at 111 kilometres up and burning out at 62 km.

Just two hours later, at 04.41h the next one doing an unimpressive 158 kph hit the Earth’s atmosphere at 113 kph up and fizzled out at 77 km, just to the south of Albacete.

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

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