Salobreña Auditorium Closed

SAL Auditorium RenovationsReform work began on the Salobreña Auditorium last Friday morning, which will see extensive renovations to the interior.

For this reason there will be no cultural activities there during the whole of this month, explained the Councillor for Culture, Belén Sánchez, adding that after 20 years of wear and tear, the auditorium needed this facelift.

The seating will be changed along with the carpeting. The stage area will also be renovated, together with the changing rooms. The theatre lighting will be overhauled, too.

Sra. Sánchez also explained there will be a reserved area for people with mobility problems and there will be led lighting along the aisle steps.

All this work comes with a 200,000-euro budget and has a duration period of three weeks, plus another week to completely clean the auditorium, so it should be up and running by the first week of November.

(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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