Confiscated baby eels from a Guardia Civil operation in Algeciras were given a new home in the Río Guadalfeo at the beginning of March.
The stretch of river chosen was the Azud de Vélez; i.e., more or less under Vélez de Benaudalla, which has water all year round, thanks to the ecological discharges from Rules Dam – the dam periodically releases water down stream to maintain the river’s biosphere.
Baby eels are move expensive than caviar or truffles, if you doubt it, here are prices from 2013: Baby eels 1,000 euros per kg, Fresh truffles 600 euros per kg, Beluga Caviar 190 euros per 600g and Lobster 100 euros per kg.
It is because of their elevated market price that so much contraband in them exists – the Algeciras operation uncovered 300 kilos of live baby eels.
The Junta representative, who was present at the river release, considers that at least 40% will eventually make its way down to the sea from the where they were released and thus complete their life cycle.
All told, the Environmental Department of the Regional Government has released 670 kilos of confiscated baby eels (6cm in length and approx 0.22g) distributed between several Andalusian rivers during February and March.
All of the were confiscated at Málaga and Sevilla Airports, as well as the ports of Tarifa, Algeciras and Melilla. Smugglers transport them in plastic bags with oxygenated water with suitcases for later sale in Asian countries.
(News: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)