French Mugger Caught

gra-bus-station-exterior-onlThe Policía Nacional in the city of Granada arrested a Frenchman suspected of a mugging carried out near the city’s bus station today.

The victim, a woman, had run into the bus station crying for help after having been allegedly mugged by the 32-year-old suspect, who, she claimed, had approached her with the excuse of asking for a cigarette.

Once within snatching distance he had reached for her mobile phone, which she had in her hand, hitting her several times in order to make her let go of it, but she wouldn’t let it go.

He then reportedly pushed her to the ground and stole her purse, containing her ID, bank cards and cash before running off.

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Armed with her description of him a police patrol soon tracked him down and arrested him. Upon processing his ID they discovered that he had an international arrest warrant out on him together with a pending extradition request.

(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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