Nine deaths in nine road accidents across Spain between 15.00h Friday the 20th May and midnight Sunday the 21st. Two were pedestrians and three were bikers.
Saturday saw six of those accidents, which occurred in the provinces of Lugo, A Coruña, Málaga, Almería, Tenerife and Burgos.
So far this year 406 people have died on roads across the country.
Perhaps one of the strangest accidents involved a 4×4 towing a horse box containing a horse and donkey. This occurred at 08.40h on the A-2 in Zaragoza and only resulted in injuries.
The vehicle and trailer smashed through the central reservation and ended up in the incoming lane and was then hit by car.
The motorway had to be temporarily closed and traffic redirected along service lanes that run parallel in that section of the autovia.
The driver had to be cut out of the wreckage and then he and his wife, travelling with him but suffering only slight injuries, were taken to the main hospital in the city of Zaragoza.
Both animals were also injured and taken to nearby vet for treatment.
(News: Spain)