Franco, Falangists & Nerja

NRJ FalangistsFranco is long dead but there are still many people in Spain who are fanatic supporters – the funeral service in Nerja for a Franco-era minister was a demonstration of this.

José Utrera Molina, who was a high-up official in the Franco regime, obtaining ministries and even a vice-presidency, died at the age of 91 and was buried on St George’s day, April the 23rd.

When his coffin emerged from San Miguel church, it was to be greeted by stiff-armed fascist salutes from men dressed in Falangist uniforms, singing Cara al Sol; i.e., the fascist anthem entoned in all public appearances of Franco.

Now, this public exhibition in support of a dictator and his regime; the members of which were never brought to justice, is not much more than a fetid demonstration of a moribund anomaly, or should have been, had not the ex-Minister of Justice in one of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s cabinets been present; Alberto Gallardón.

It doesn’t appear to be enough that the Rajoy Government is falling in on itself from the calamitous corruption scandals and the very evident attempts by the PP to sabotage the judicial system: tip offs to suspects that they’re being investigated by the Guardia Civil and that they’re phones are tapped, but they also shoot themselves in the foot with PP ministers turning up at falangist-ridden funeral services for Franco’s ministers.

Just a few days ago, the Chief Public Prosecutor, appointed by the PP against the wishes of every other party in the Parliament, attempted to force Public Prosecutors investigating party corruption to drop the case. They rebelled against him and he was forced to back peddle.

It should also be remembered that the PP, originally known as the AP, was founded by a Franco minister, who, although dead, is an ex-chairman of honour.


(News/Opinion: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga)

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