The Motril Councillor for Agriculture, Gloria Chica, announced on the 17th that the Rambla de las Brujas had been cleared, just days before rains came.
Mind you, that’s only the Las Brujas one -; the others have still to be cleared – they’ll probably need a submarine now…
The Delegate for the Environment from the Junta, Inmaculada Oria, turned up for the photo op with the cleared rambla behind her, so Councillor Chica asked this Junta representative to accompany her to view the other ramblas.
“The Rambla de las Brujas had a lot of weeds, canes and mud because this water course carries water most of the year,” explained the Councillor, adding, “fortunately we have had dry weather so, as the work did commence on Tuesday last week, it should all be finished very shortly.”
The Junta Delegate, on the other hand, pointed out that they normally do this kind of work in March but owing to “several administrative problems,” the work had been delayed far too long, for which she apologised.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)