The Salobreña, opposition, PA leader, Sr. Collado, says that complaints have reached him from annoyed locals because of the noise made by early morning street cleaners.
If it is not the road-sweeping buggie, it’s the workers with leaf blowers, he claims.
The road-sweeping buggies set out quite early in the morning, every day, “disturbing the sleep of locals,” says Sr Collado. He realises that this machinery is for the greater good of keeping Salobreña’s street clean, but he considers that the noise that they make – and the fumes – are greater than the accepted limits for sound and air pollution.
So what does Sr Collado suggest? Well, not a lot, other than for the Town Hall do something about it; i.e., changing the time that the machinery starts out each day.
Editorial Comment: Apart from my dearly held conviction that anybody caught using a leaf-blower should be shot and the head of maintenance hanged for buying them in the first place, if these buggies were to operate later then they would be holding up the traffic during rush hour. Swings and rounabouts come to mind.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)