Almuñécar Tough on Endesa

ALM Blackout OnLThe Almuñécar Town Hall has told Sevillana-Endesa electricity company that it does not want a rerun of last year’s disastrous power cut.

The Town Council has more or less demanded that the company guarantees that the 15th of August will go without a hitch.

Almuñécar’s population goes up from 27,000 to over 100,000 in between the 15th of July and the 15th of August, with the latter date being ‘the big day’ when temporary visitors, the fixed resident population and day visitors coincide (150,000) push up the energy demand.

The town was also badly let down by this utility company on Easter Thursday – what a disaster for the town’s hostelry trade!

The Mayor, Trinidad Herrera says that she has had no news that indicates that the company has tried to remedy these peak usage problems in the intervening months, which she considers worrying.

“It is obvious that the infrastructure of the company leaves much to be desired,” she said

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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