Internet Anywhere?

PP RadiokableRadiokable might just be able to give you that. How many of you are up in the hills with poor or no Internet coverage? This is for you, especially.

Radiokable belongs to Radiocable Telecommunications Operators & Engineers, who were founded in Granada in 2007. They provide Internet and Telefonia Wimax Profesional, giving coverage for all metropolitan Granada and its satellite towns.

From there they expanded to cover the Alpujarra, the Costa Tropical and the surrounding area of Córdoba.

So what is Wimax Internet Profesional? It is a system that does not lose download/upload speed as the distance increases, giving a realistic broadband connection with a guaranteed minimum, meaning that whatever you sign up for, that is the minimum that you will get, not the maximum.

They also have a star product called Radiofibra, using fibre optic lines to provide a symmetrical connections (equal upload/download rate) regardless of surrounded geography, and all without using other operators’ networks for the following applications.

Remote camera IP visualization
Work with remote servers.
Mass mailing
Tele-control & tele-managing
Emails will very large attachments

Radiokable provides private and business solutions so that everyone can enjoy an excellent connection. Furthermore, clients can check out that it all works correctly before signing up.

The above are just some of the solutions that Radiokable provides – why not visit their website:, or ring them on 958 998 100, where they will be pleased to attend to your inquiries.

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