It’s that time of year again, when La Herradura plays host to one of the most prestigious classical-guitar competitions in the world.
The much awaited competition, which this year marks its 30th anniversary, will be held in the Civic Centre from the 18th to the 22nd of this month.
Sixteen aspirants, hailing from eleven different countries, will compete for the competition’s prestigious awards.
And they have their work cut out for them because they’re up against the best and having to interpret, to perfection, both works of their own choice, as well as (in the third phase) the Concierto de la Herradura by the Hispano-Cuban compositor, Eduardo Morales-Caso.
The provincial delegate for Culture and Heritage, José Torrente, together with the First Councillor for the village, Juan José Ruiz Joya and Professor of Musicology, Antonio Marín Moreno announced the competition conditions and performance details.
The Provincial Delegate, Sr. Torrente, being a politician (PP), took the opportunity to take a dig – merited or not – at the Regional Government (PSOE) over their backing or lack of it for both the Andrés Segovia competition and the Festival Internacional de Jazz de Granada.
This year’s participants are: Isabel María Sánchez Millán and Sergio Antonio Calero Fernández (Spain), Pavel Kukhta (Belarus), Jonathan Bockelmann (Germany), Josué Rodríguez and Alejandro Acosta (Cuba), Carlos Fierens and Andrea Monarda (Italy), Pedro Aguiar (Brazil), Chips Trueman (UK), Francisco Marfil Franco (Portugal), Miguel Álvarez and César Andrés Farias (Chile), Elena Fomenko and Pavel Pozdnyakov (Russia) and Angélica Rodríguez (Paraguay).
Editorial comment: Why do politicians have to turn cultural events such as this one into a petty mudslinging match? Yes, the elections are just around the corner, but can’t they just, for once, stop their puerile bickering and pull together in a common cause; i.e., what they are paid for?
(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)