The Plaza de la Libertad sits behind the Iglesia Mayor and its claim to fame was that it was the parking area for the Tax Office… until it moved.
The Tax office is now down near the police station and the front of Iglesia Mayor is much more interesting than what’s behind it, but all that is going to change!
Apparently the last time that the square had some serious work done on it was in 1885 when what is now the square was created by raising the ground level over an old cemetery and the old town walls.
This month – which is when the work is supposed to begin – work along the lines of what happened in front of the church will take place in the square. Granite will be used and other ‘noble materials,’ explained the Vice Mayor, Nicolás Navarro. Wooden street furniture will be installed, as well as an ornamental fountain!
Mind you, he explained, it will be sufficiently low key so as not to distract from the magnificence of the church – God forbid! There goes the McDonald’s!
Of course, it goes without saying, the much needed parking area will be eliminated… although it will continue to be a through-fare street.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: Google Streetview)