Travelling East along the coast of Granada, once you get to Motril the greenhouses start, and where there are greenhouses, you have rubbish. Perhaps for this reason the locals of Castell, Gualchos, Lújar, Polops and Carchuna-Calahonda are aware and troubled by the problem.
In fact they are so concerned by the discarded plastic and rotting vegetables etc that they have approached the provincial and regional authorities to help them do something about it – a small town by itself just doesn’t have the resources to cope with it on its own.
“We’ve been abandoned by the administrations,” accused the Mayor of Gualchos-Castell, Eloy Martín, who is a farmer himself. “You only need to take a look around to see the problem, and it pains me to have to say it publicly,” he complained.
It’s no justification, but with the struggling economy, some greenhouse farmers won’t or can’t spend the money to dispose of their residual waste properly. However, just as many do make the economic effort. The trouble is that their efforts are wasted if the area is marred by swathes of discarded plastic etc lying in the gullies and riverbeds – it’s a terribly negative image for visiting agriculturists from other countries to take home with them.
(News: East Coast, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)