Residential Home & Care Questionaire

AsinexMany expats along the coast feel obliged to return to their own countries when they can no longer live independently, as they often think there are no proper services in place for them here and they are left with little option other than leaving behind what has now become their home.

Residencia Internacional Costa Tropical is a team of people who share a vision to bridge this gap for the multicultural community of residents in the area who are getting on in age.

R.I.C.T.’s idea is to create a place where people look forward to going to, as opposed to the ‘dead end’ everybody dreads; a welcoming home with a healthy human and economic balance.

For this reason R.I.C.T wants to re-open an excellent residential and care facility in Almuñécar, on the coast of Granada. The complex known as Residencia Costa Tropical is like a 4-star hotel, with indoor and outdoor pools, affording lovely views of the sea and the historical town of Almuñecar, and all surrounded by palm trees and equipped to first class international standards.

It is important to note that the re-opening of the Residencia Internacional Costa Tropical is the graceful combination of a successful commercial enterprise with a place where all residents and staff integrate and focus towards the same goal of well being.

R.I.C.T.’s focus lies in providing an excellent and affordable level of care where each individual is valued, in an eclectic, loving environment with a vibrant sense of community where wellness, healing and joyful activities preside.

In short, R.I.C.T.’s wants to provide the kind of place they would themselves be looking for when the time comes.

Residencia Internacional Costa Tropical is an already established company in the area with a new management structure specifically set up for this purpose and a strong business plan. They are looking for serious investors, big and small, as well as people who would like to avail of this unique facility and its services.

Residencia Internacional Costa Tropical is currently conducting some research to gauge how many people are seriously interested in living/investing in the Residencia and what their needs are as they grow older.

You can also listen to a radio interview in English where the idea is explained:

For this purpose they are asking our readers to download and fill in the questionnaire, which you can find on the link below, and then send it to


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