Fiesta Programme for San Miguel Almuñécar

Friday 27th (day one)
9.00h: Barrage of rocket detonations that absolute nobody likes.

10.00h: One hour of free Buñuelos, courtesy of “Carmen
la Media Rosca.”

11.00h: Centro de Día. Film: El Próximo Otoño, filmed entirely in Almuñécar and especially
Barrio del Castillo.

12.00h: Inauguration of the Feria del Día and the opening the Caseta Oficial

16.00h: Table football competition for under 13’s. Register at Bar Akalbili.

17.00h: Popular children’s games in Calle San Miguel.

18.00h: Giant Heads parade, accompanied by live music.

21.30h: Knees up to the music of the fiesta band, Sensaciones del Sur.

23.00h: Queen of the Fiesta and her Damas de Honor chosen. Register at the Casa de Mari in Calle Santa Adela, nº 11.

Saturday 28th – Day Two
9.00h: Barrage of rocket detonations “because it’s fun.”

11.00h: Popular games for everybody.

11.00h: Table football competition for seniors. Register at Bar Akalbili.

11.30h: Athletic races in several categories provided by Joaquín “Pino.”

12.00h: Second day of the Feria de Día.

14.00h: The governing party is putting on a paella for one euro “donation.”

17.00h: Gastronomic competition of typically San Miguel dishes.

19.00h: Almuñécar brass band will knock out some decibels.

20.00h: Table football for the lasses, between the eternal rivals from Barrio de los Marinos and Barrio del Castillo… expect blood!

21.00h: Flamenco costumes competition.

21.30h: Knees up with the same party band.

21.30h: Plenty of Copla singing, especially by children from a regional TV programme.

Sunday the 29th – Third Day
9.00h: Barrage of rocket detonations & jumping-jack fireworks by the mindless.

11.00 to 13.00h: Display and recruiting for the feminine handball team, Club de Balonmano de Almuñécar.

11.00h: Campeonato de Paulo (Spanish card game), en Caseta Oficial.

12.00h: Third day of the Feria del Dia

13.00h: Pasa dobles at the la Feria de Día.

14.00h: Not to be outdone, the opposition party PSOE will be offering plates of migas for 1-euro donations.

15.00h: Table foot ball competition organized by Machine.

16.00h:Children’s games in general on Calle San Miguel.

18.00h: Mass in honour of San Miguel at the Centro de Mayores.

20.00h: Solemn process accompanied by the Coro Rociero de Maro and the dance groups Almainova and Sabor a Mar.

21.30h: Knees up, but with a different dance band, Trío Esfera, as the original one will probably have been lynched by then.

22.30h: Prize giving at the Caseta Oficial.

23.00h: Firework display.

(Note: I am never, ever, going to translate one of the blighters every again!)

(News/Events: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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