Teen Torched Councillor’s Car?

A 13-year-old lad in Lanjarón is the prime suspect for the torching of a councillor’s car; the Concillor for Sports, Juan Manuel Jiménez, on the 24th of March.

Thanks to a police investigation by the Guardia Civil, they managed to obtain CCTV footage, which identified the lad. In the same video, the suspect is allegedly seen to damage five lampposts, as well.

As soon as the police investigation was concluded, the Guardia Civil informed the minors magistrate of the alleged culpability of the 13-year old. As he is a minor, if he is found guilty, then it is his parents who will carry the can (be punished).

The motive appears to be because the suspect was denied entrance to a sports facility by the said councillor. The councillor was returning from a meeting when he received a call to say that his car was in flames – it was in the early hours of the 24th of March.

Yet this is not the first act of vandalism carried out against members of the local branch of the Partido Popular; last year one of their number had his front door set alight.

(News: Lanjaron, Alpujarra, Granada, Andalucia)