Dying for an iPhone?

A 15-year-old German lass nearly lost her life, as well as her iPhone, when it fell down amongst some large boulders.

She had been walking along the river bank, where the boulders are to shore up the riverbank. Apparently the girl’s iPhone somehow managed to slip from her pocket or hand (it’s not clear) and fell down between these large stones that protect the riverbank.

Being 15 and armed with the unassailable conviction that nothing bad could happen to her, she tried wiggling between them with the end result of finding herself stuck fast with her head down a gap and her legs kicking out above her.

Her boyfriend, after trying to no avail to extract her, phoned the Policía Local, who turned up for a giggle… sorry, to assist the victim in distress. No joy! So the Guardia Civil turned up and had a go at extracting the wedged German lass. No joy! Finally the fire service was called out

By this time the girl was close to having a nervous breakdown and no closer to retrieving the iPhone. It obviously sounded ‘unusual and unlike more mundane tasks’ as units from Vélez-Málaga and Nerja fire service turned up at the spot, which was very close to the bridge over the river to the Urbanización Torrox Park

After a lot of heaving and prizing, using ropes and levers, for about 20 minutes, the girl was freed, to be taken to an ambulance and calmed down. The iPhone, however, remained entombed…

(News: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)