The Zona Azules on the La Herradura and Almuñécar seafront parking areas will ‘only’ be activated during July and August this year, eliminating September from the ‘paying’ season.
The new hours will be from 11.00h to 15.00h and then from 19.00h to 22.00h. These time periods have been chosen, says the Town Hall, to “take advantage of rotational parking during restaurant lunch and diner hours.
There are two ways of looking at it, then: if you want to eat out, expect to pay blue-zone parking, or, parking will be available should you wish to eat out as the blue zones will prevent somebody permanently occupying the parking places in front of restaurants – take your pick.
The First Councillor for La Herradura, Ruiz Joya, says that they have upheld their electoral pledges during the last municipal elections, in which they promised to ‘revise the blue zones.’ Many expected the new Town Council, however, to eliminate blue-zoning on beach fronts all together, but Councillor Ruiz Joya says that they have taken the announced measures to prevent visitors ‘putting a dust cover over a car and leaving it in one spot for week after week.’
As for blue-zone times in the commercial centre of La Herradura and Almuñécar, the councillor admitted that there has neither been increases in areas, nor elimination of existing ones but that blue zones in these areas will only be operative during the morning from 09.00h to 14.00h, leaving the afternoons free.
Councillor Juan José Ruiz Joya pointed out that the present timetable was agreed upon by all parties, after having met with local hotel and business-sector representatives.
As for the underground car parks of Velilla and San Cristóbal, which are run by the Town Hall, there will be up to 30% off prices and up to 40% off fortnight and yearly charges.
Finally, Councillor Ruiz Joya announced that they would announce next week where the provisional, free, summer-parking areas are going to be; i.e., plots of vacant land converted into improvised car parks.
(News: Herradura/Almuñécar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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