Builders Exploited?

The IU (left-wing political formation) have denounced that builders working on the new junior school in Vélez Benaudalla are being exploited by the building company. Workers on the building site are being made to work 15-hour days, the IU claims.

The IU, who presented this complaint before the Inspección de Trabajo de Granada on the 18th of January, pointed out that the Junta de Andalucia awarded the construction-project contract to Ferrovial S.L., with work beginning last October on the C.P. Madrigal y Padial.. They say they warned the construction company that they are violating article 35 of the workers’ statutes and that they would be reported for it.

According to this political party, builders are working 60 to 70 hour weeks without any extra pay for the extra hours, nor days off in lieu, for a monthly salary of 800 euros. It in the opinion of the IU, the construction company managed to get the contract because they knocked down the cost of the man hours and stand to gain huge profits from it.

Accordingly, the IU are demanding to know where the mechanisms are within the Regional Education Board and the Regional Government to prevent this kind of exploitation..

Upon receiving notification of this report, the Provincial Board for Employment for the Junta have opened up an investigation.

(News: Velez Benaudalla, Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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