(Malaga) A man with mental problems jumped from a 9th-floor window, in an attempt to end his life, after escaping from a mental ward… which is unfortunate enough, but he landed on a passerby who had just walked out of a bar, causing quite a lot of bodily mischief, which is not only unfortunate but also arguably clumsy.
Nobody is impressed and the end result is that the Andalusian health service will have to cough up compensation for not keeping a closer eye on him.
An appeals court in Sevilla ruled that the S.A.S had to pay over 65,000 euros, plus interest to the ground-level victim and his insurance company, who had in turn had to cover for the 27 days that he was hospitalised. It took 552 days for the impacted passerby to fully recover.
The appeals court rejected the S.A.S’s claim that the mentally disturbed patient was under adequate supervision, but that the man had taken advantage of the visiting hours to step out of a window. The judge considered that such an eventuality should have been foreseen… by which we mean the patient attempting to end his life – they would have needed a crystal ball to have foreseen what he was going to land on, of course.
News: Malaga, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia