Identifying Dog Droppings

The Mayor of Málaga said that the idea, as proposed by a socialist councillor, of running DNA tests on dog droppings was preposterous.

The socialist councillor had proposed that the microchips that dogs have to have inserted under their skin should contain information concerning their DNA, so that offending dog excrement could be analysed and traced to a particular dog.

The Mayor, Francisco de la Torre, also considers they are not in a position to suggest such a measure, because the PSOE have rejected such proposals in other municipalities where they govern, on the basis that such expenditure is not warranted in these cash-strapped times.

A study carried out in the town of Henani, governed by socialists, found that the analysis to discover the particular dog’s DNA and include the information in the chip would be 35 euros. After that, each time somebody wanted to identify a dog dropping, that would mean a further 35 euros.

The city of Málaga hands out about 200 fines per year to dog owners caught red handed.

(News: Malaga, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)

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