The PSOE, PP, IU (who rarely agree on anything) and the national workers’ union, the CGT, all consider that the dismissal of 15 town-hall workers (some of whom have been there for 20 years) was carried out for ‘irrational motives.’
According to the spokesman for the conservative PP it was ‘inhumane and hardly moral,’ considering that they had no prior warning of what was about to befall.
These workers had no knowledge that the interviewing of 15 candidates for jobs in the town hall was for their posts, rather than new positions. If they had known, says the PP, they would have put their own names forward for the jobs, obviously.
“We are concerned about the other 180 workers who have held temporary positions since before 2005.”
The PSOE considered the Mayor’s attitude as capricious and was concerned that the firing of these workers would mean that the municipal coffers would have to provide over 300,000 euros in compensation, seeing as the Town Hall has already had to pay out 75,000 over a similar incident.
As a quick aside, such is the struggle to occupy the political middle ground, we now have the conservatives expressing concern over the workers’ plight and the socialists expressing concern over how much it will cost…