Castle Care Funds

The Town Hall has managed to land a grant towards restoring the castle. Of the project budget of just under a million euros, 60% will come from the Junta de Andalucía as part of the Iniciativa de Turismo Sostenible (Sustainable Tourism Initiative).

Salobreña also had two private projects accepted with grants of 40% of their total budgets. One is for Hotel Salobreña, with a project of 85,828 euros, and the other is Sala de Convenciones La Vega, with a project budget of 78,824 euros.

Quite where the other 40% of the castle project will come from – the socialist opposition party suggest that it comes from the Town Hall, but everybody knows that one million euros won’t suffice to restore the whole castle.

Lastly on the matter of these grants, the other ‘winner’ was Motril, which will receive a sizeable grant for their reception area for cruise-ship passengers, whose total project cost is just under two million.

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