The Córdoba Mezquita

As if there weren’t enough problems in the world, the Bishop of Córdoba decided that this national monument of worldwide fame should be renamed as ‘cathedral,’ as it is one.

Everybody knows that the Re-conquest Christians turned this stunning example of Islamic architecture into a cathedral around 800 years ago, but it has always retained its name, La Mezquita (The Mosque).

To be fair, he considers that it can be confusing that the building is known as La Mezquita, when it isn’t one, yet if the Church in its heretic-burning heyday was happy with the name, why change it now?

Perhaps the problem is that a few months ago a few Muslims turned up and wanted to worship there, alongside their Christian bretheren. The Bishop told them to piss off.

Why can’t all the God-botherers from the three monotheist religions just get on, instead of trying to drag us into global conflict over whose is the True Faith? Either none of them is, or all of them are, because if you can accept the existence of a Supreme Being, why the hell can’t you settle on that there are three and that they’re all mates… and then everybody’s happy?

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