You will have noticed already that the heading panel of this site has changed so that we can bring more news to more areas. For that reason, Almuñécar, Salobreña, La Herradura and Motril have been grouped under the main Granada Costa tab, with a pull down menu for each of the coastal towns.
Equally, we have a main tab called Granada Inland with a pull town menu for: Lecrín Valley (the central corridor running from the coast up to the provincial capital, Granada, including Padul & Durcal): Altiplano (North-Eastern Granada around Baza and Guadix); Poniente (Western Granada with its area capital of Loja, including Alhama de Granada and the the Alpujarra area, which we have been running for around a year already.
We have also decided to include the popular hardcopy sections for Worldly Ways (Wonky World) and Spanish Jottings (National News). We shall be constanly adding back-issues to these sections, which already have October and November news.
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