The Great Big Concrete Block Defecator – yes, that’s the primary function of that big machine that’s been parked just outside the Port of Motril for the past several weeks. The one that looks a bit like Tower Bridge, from certain angles. Having heard several theories about its function, I now have one which seems to be authoritative; it’s a brick shi**er! Really!
As part of the plan to improve the facilities at the Port, there is a need to extend the docking area. This machine will ingest sand, cement et al, then form and deposit concrete blocks on the seabed, thus providing a foundation for an extension of the docking facilities. I s**t you not!
Of course, it’s been in place for more weeks than you could shake a stick at, without the slightest sign of movement. However that apparently is the plan. Like a lot of other things, maybe it’s just awaiting the appropriate funding!