8,000 Euros of Honesty

There are no villains or thieves here in Motril … just good honest folk! The Casares newspaper kiosk have had their fair share of stories to tell us over the past thirty two years that they have been in business on the Avenida de Salobreña but their latest story tops the lot. This story headlined the news for at least a week here in the town and spiralled the owner brothers of the kiosk to further heights of sainthood.

What would you do as a kiosk owner if you found over 8,000 euros stuffed into two envelopes in a plastic bag left by mistake by someone who had purchased a newspaper? Immediately ring the police? Wait in the hope that someone would turn up asking for its return? If no one came forward to claim the money, would you still ring the police to report it? Or, shut up and claim no knowledge of it … after all, how many newspapers would a kiosk have to sell before it made that kind of money. Well, these boys came clean immediately the owner of a shop in Motril retraced her steps and appeared at their kiosk window in a totally distraught state. Now … what would you do?

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