Building works will start shortly on the Esplanadas in the centre of Motril. Just as the Avenida de Salobreña has been opened up again after remodelling at huge cost and inconvenience to the residents, shopkeepers and visitors to the town, the 600 approx people living on the Esplanadas are to be subjected to yet more months of dust, early morning drilling and general hell on earth.
It is a shame that many foreign residents living on the coast don’t seem to know where the Esplanadas is located in the town but for those visiting with a little time it really is worth a walk up and down it (apart from it desperately needing an update, a sign saying ‘no dogs allowed on the grass’ and dog shit everywhere, cars and motorbikes roaring up and down it and most of the paving slabs in dire need of replacement), some of the trees are well worth a look and, if you don’t get a football slammed directly into your head by a group of kids playing footie, then you might just enjoy it!
I digress slightly … where was I? Oh yes, in June the bulldozers will move in and we are told that the work will be done quickly (yeah, go on, just ruin our summer as you have done for years now). With a budget of 600,000 euros we will get a footbridge at the south end of the Esplanadas which will link it with the Dustbowl car park on the opposite side of the port road.
They had wanted to build a tunnel under the port road between the Esplanadas and dustbowl but that would have cost too much and taken too long to accomplish. Therefore, not much money in the coffers for one of the most prestigious areas of Motril but they will do what they can to give it a facelift whilst also demolishing the Distillery next to the Dustbowl car park which will mean the Motril TV station will be moved together with the municipal car pound behind it.