Two men that run a nightclub-cum-knocking shop in Almuñécar were up before the magistrate in Motril last month. They were found guilty as charged and sentenced to two years in the land of striped sunshine and 1,800 euros in fines, each, for employing five women in a less than legal manner. It isn’t that what they were doing was illegal but that they were doing it without sufficient official paperwork.
The establishment was raided just after midnight on the 13th of April 2005 – it’s taken this long to works its way through the legal system. On the said night, the Guardia Civil, accompanied by a work inspector. According to the court finding, at the moment of inspection, there were several people with all their papers in order, besides the five ladies whose alleged horizontal activities were unbeknown to the tax office…
The original article does not mention the name of the night bar, nor the names, telephone numbers or schedule of five ladies…