Tourism Increase

LHR Marina Beach ShadesYou know how sometimes our little towns feel full to bursting point? Well, here’s the reason why. It’s those damn, pesky tourists popping up everywhere, smelling of suntan lotion, spending money and generally having a good time. Just who do they think they are? Coming here, supporting the economy and leaving brilliant reviews all over the internet, thus causing an even greater influx next year!

We jest, of course. These tourists, be they Spanish or foreign, have surpassed expectations once again, with overnight stays up by 3.2% to 502,566. The average stay also increased to five days. All of which is up on the figures for 2017, which is pretty good as these figures don’t include August, it’s just up to the end of July.

Just to let you know (in case you thought we counted the tourists individually), the figures come from the Municipal Tourism Board of Almuñécar and was made public by the Councillor for Tourism, Rafael Caballero Jiménez.
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Our trusty Mr. Jiménez also pointed out that the highest increase was during the month of July, which saw a huge 18% increase in overnight stays of national tourists compared to July 2017. He assures us that this increase is down to the intense promotion work carried out throughout the year to attract national tourism. And nothing to do with the fact I was sporting a thong on the beach this year. Personally, I’m not so sure.

There was a small dip in hotel occupancy during the month of July, which saw it peak at 82%, which is 4% less than in 2017. But Mr. Jiménez is not too concerned, saying. “We have managed to maintain figures similar to those of 2017 with an occupancy in August that has hovered around 90% on average, although this will drop to around 75% in September,” he explained.

The Department of Tourism was eager to mention one more set of figures which they believe to be relevant; the increase of 3.7% in the number of travellers, a total of 124,615 people, 40% international and 60% national. Relevant because the number is a large increase on 2017 and shows that an increasing amount of travellers are coming off the autovia to have a look round. Potential future tourists!

And finally; what complaints, if any did tourists have? Well, the general consensus was that the area is brilliant, good food, friendly people, lots to do. However, the main complaints were, stony beaches, jellyfish and that it’s impossible to park. No surprises there… and I can tell you, a jellyfish sting to the buttock when you’re wearing a thong is very painful!

(News: Almunecar/Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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