Strange Bank Robbery

AND Strange Bank Robbery OnLA man was arrested in Puerto Serrano (Cádiz) for holding up a bank armed with a knife. The surprising thing is that he did so without covering his face in a bank where he is a customer.

It was at 09.00h on Tuesday the 18th of April that the man allegedly walked into his own bank branch and walked up to one of the employees and pulled out a knife, saying, “give me 500 euros – we’ll do this the nice way or the not so nice way.”

The reaction of the employee was to give him a piece of her mind, as she knew him, obviously, but even so she also retreated a safe distance.

With this, the man walked over to a desk, opened a drawer and calmly counted out 500 euros in notes, replacing the rest of the notes.

He then left the bank and took refuge in the house of a family, with the nickname, Las Chachimbas, whose members all have a criminal record.

However, the Guardia Civil soon turned up and arrested him, even though he tried in vain to escape via a side door.

When they took him down to the G.C. post they discovered that the man had a court order out against him, ordering him to report to the nearest prison to commence a prison sentence, so they marched him off to the nearest prison.

(News: Puerto Serranco, Cadiz, Andalucia)

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